The Recursive Model & Finite Math Exercises

Unit 3: Looking Forward

This unit builds on the analysis of past distributions in deriving estimates of future counts. Students are challenged in each lesson to explain possible reasons behind each new iteration of a population projection model (for example, a war or economic conditions that impact immigration or changes in birth rates). The unit begins by developing an arithmetic sequence based on the 2010 and 2015 population totals. Lesson 8 summarizes this sequence with a linear model used to estimate the future population totals. A geometric sequence is used to derive an exponential model in Lesson 9. Each of these lessons, however, does not obtain estimates for the age groups. Although it is possible to derive age group estimates using these models, the age group analysis begins in Lesson 10 with the special recursive model designed for this module.

Lesson 10 introduces an important feature of the recursive model identified as population factors. Applying these factors to build estimates of future age groups is done in Lesson 11.

Lesson 12 completes the recursive model by developing foundation factors that fill in the “hole” left by the 0-4-year-old age group in each iteration. As this hole is derived, the resulting projections based on population factors are completed. Lesson 13 and Lesson 14 build off these estimates to summarize the shapes and projected changes in the population of the United States, Kenya, and Japan.

A Line Graph Showing Population Projections for the United States, Kenya, and Japan From 2010 to 2200

Students derive and graph linear and exponential projections of future population distributions. Each distribution is a preview of the more detailed model identified as the recursive model.

A Graph With Two Sections Labeled Changes Dominated by Death or Emigration and Changes Dominated by Immigration

Critical components of the recursive model are two factors. The first factor (defined as the population factor) is derived and analyzed for each 5-year age group of the population distribution. This factor indicates population changes for each 5-year age group as either dominated by immigration or death and emigration.

A Line Graph Titled United States Projections 2010 - 2100 Comparing Linear, Exponential, and Recursive Models

In addition to the population factors, a foundation factor is defined and analyzed. This factor is the proportion of “new” people, or the proportion of 0 – 4 year olds of the total projected population. This factor addresses changes in birth rates.